[WARNING]…this post was not written by AI 🤖

It's a choose-your-own-adventure kind of post today! 🙂 Ever get that feeling like something just isn't quite right, but you can't put your finger on it exactly? Like when something is just a little too perfect. Maybe it's that lush lounge space that stuttered your...

☞ Get to know *le Haute Pointe*!

When my very fabulous French tutor Florence volunteered this translation for my hometown, I skipped a beat. Le Haute Pointe. Yeah, ok, that checks. In the mid-1800's the unimaginatively-named-yet-newly-incorporated city of High Point was the highest point on the railway between the far eastern and central areas of North Carolina, and was quickly establishing itself as a city of industry that...

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Agents of Change

As the end of the year approaches like a pride of lions chasing a gazelle, I find it hard not to reflect on the question: How do the three Rules of Life apply to business? How might you be the greatest agent of change in your own business?

The Emergence of a *New* Type of Interior Design

Vacation rental design and short-term rental design are no longer niche industries but instead are emerging as a new type of interior design. Walk with me through history and discover why…

Creative Leverage: You’ve either got it, or you dont…

If you cannot immediately and consistently share the key ideology that’s driving decision making in your business—from who you decide to work with to how you market your business—then how do you expect to dominate your brand position, grow marketshare, or attract the kinds of clients and customers that want to work with you and only you? Read on to find out >>

Furniture Market People

Did a century-old home furnishings trade show in High Point, NC influence the growth of the short term rental industry and influence the success of platforms like Airbnb and VRBO? Read on to find out…

What do you learn when you travel?

I’ve spent most of my adult life traveling—for school, for work, for love even—a fortune of experiences, perspectives, exposures. Unique foods, unique people, certainly some very unique places. Some dazzling, some bizarre. A cacophonous mix of both the extraordinary and the mundane.

What I learned speaking French with my grandfather 30 years after he passed.

Finding a cassette tape labeled French 2 in my grandfather’s careful capital script seemed like a tiny gift to me sent into the future from our distant, shared past. Walking through the pleasantries of a very basic French conversation 30 years after he passed seems like the closest thing to time travel I’ll ever experience. Read on to learn more >>

Email Marketing: The secret weapon for brand storytelling

When it comes to digital marketing for your interior design or home furnishings brand, you may be asking which platform is best. You might be surprised to hear that after 20+ years and counting, the leader of the pack is still… email. That being said, the success of...

5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Marketing Consultant

Do you want to elevate your marketing, but have no idea where to begin? Are you looking to bring in a marketing or branding consultant to help you decide what to do next?  Insights and recommendations from a marketing and branding expert can save you time and headache...

How Long Should Creating A Marketing Plan Actually Take?

Wondering how to write a marketing plan, but have no idea where to start? Are you looking to figure out how long it will actually take to get a marketing plan up and running for your interior design or home industry business? And what should you actually focus on,...

A Step-by-Step Guide to Instagram Guides

Use Instagram’s new Guides feature to curate your posts and enhance your brand’s #socialStorytelling on Instagram. Here’s your step-by-step guide to creating Guides for your brand on Instagram.

Why Storytelling Matters for your Brand

When it comes to creating a marketing plan for your interior design or home furnishings brand, storytelling is one of the most underrated and underutilized tools for getting your message out into the world. Here’s why.

What is digital marketing and how can it help my brand online?

Creating a digital marketing strategy for your business is essential to standing out online. So gather your brand’s key messages, dig into your ideal client’s profile, create your content pillars, and remember the best practices for creating content online. It all works together.

How to build an interior design brand

Here’s a business secret you may not know (or want to believe). Creating an interior design brand that people remember and talk about is easy. Our feeds are flooded with gorgeous images from interiors around the world, created by both pros and enthusiasts alike. The...

It's time to get your story straight.

Are you sharing the same unforgettable story across all your marketing channels?

Use this free Brand Audit template to quickly understand where to polish your story so you shine online ✨

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