Musings on how to find clarity in marketing and life* ✨

*Let’s get your story straight.

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The New Language of Luxury
Marketing Ericka Saurit Marketing Ericka Saurit

The New Language of Luxury

Luxury today is about curation, refinement, and sensory engagement. It is not about the overuse of the word “luxury”—it’s about the subtle signals embedded in your branding and marketing that show how much attention, curation, and refinement goes into your work. 

If you want to build a brand that truly holds people's attention—one that feels like an experience, not just a service—design for perception. Design for the senses.

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How Do You Master the Art of Selling…Without Selling Out?
Marketing Ericka Saurit Marketing Ericka Saurit

How Do You Master the Art of Selling…Without Selling Out?

Marketing feels overwhelming for many creatives because it’s rarely taught alongside the craft of making in art and design schools. And yet marketing is an act of making in itself…of making connections, making a point someone might not have thought of before, of making ideas visible and irresistible, of making an emotional bridge between your work and the people who will cherish it, of making your unique perspective shine in a crowded world.

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Unreasonable Hospitality*
Marketing Ericka Saurit Marketing Ericka Saurit

Unreasonable Hospitality*

Is it reasonable to expect—throughout your months to years-long client engagement process—that every touchpoint of their experience with your brand might not just be well-considered, but unreasonably well-considered?

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☞ Get to know *le Haute Pointe*!
HPMKT Ericka Saurit HPMKT Ericka Saurit

☞ Get to know *le Haute Pointe*!

In the mid-1800’s the unimaginatively-named-yet-newly-incorporated city of High Point was quickly establishing itself as a city of industry that would change the fate of home furnishings and interior design in landmark ways. Little did anyone imagine what might become of this haute pointe over the next century and a half!

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Agents of change
Marketing Ericka Saurit Marketing Ericka Saurit

Agents of change

A few weekends back, it was chilly and rainy (and dark by 5pm), so I snuggled up on my sofa with some delivery and started watching the Steven-Spielberg-produced series Life on Our Planet on Netlix.

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What do you learn when you travel?
Marketing Ericka Saurit Marketing Ericka Saurit

What do you learn when you travel?

I’ve spent most of my adult life traveling—for school, for work, for love even—a fortune of experiences, perspectives, exposures. But what stands out to me amidst this twenty-year cache of experiences are the feelings, the emotions I had in each place that I remember most. And that’s exactly how you should think about your brand.

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Why a Rebrand Feels Like the First Day of School After a Long Summer Vacation
Marketing Ericka Saurit Marketing Ericka Saurit

Why a Rebrand Feels Like the First Day of School After a Long Summer Vacation

It’s more than just a makeover, it’s a total transformation! Have you ever experienced a transformation in your own life? Maybe it happened early for you, in high school or college. Maybe after you met your person and settled into a life together. Maybe when you went back to school for design, or started your own business, or started working in a company where you truly felt like you belonged.

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